Friday, June 10, 2011

The F-word

I can just about see your face. You're thinking "What?! The F-WHAT?!" Haha. But yes, the F-word. So now, instead of dancing around it, I'm just going to say it. -Forgiveness.

I just want to spend some time going through some things about forgiveness that have been on my mind lately. Things like: what IS it? How does one DO it? How many times must I do it? MUST I do it? Why is it so hard at times? And many more other questions. But let's start at square one (and that, of course, is God since God initiates/begins/starts/programs/creates/designs everything and is He (Jesus) is a flesh and blood example for us. (Though He is SO much more than just an example, truly.)

God offers us eternal life through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Who, because of his Love for us, died so that we may be forgiven of our trespasses (aka sin), in order that we may have relationship with God.
Point number one: Forgiveness comes at a price. For Jesus, that price was death. He actually physically suffered and died to pay the price for my sin and yours. And I can tell you from circumstances in my life where I have forgiven people of things done against me, it cost me a price to forgive, too. To be quite honest, the price is often to not allow myself to hold anything in my heart against them, not indulging in dark thoughts about what happened, and getting rid of the desire to keep them away from me. That's a price of sorts. It is an effort, it spends energy, etc.

But despite any cost, Jesus paid the ultimate price so that there COULD be restoration and forgiveness. As a Christ Follower, I am called to live as He did -even if that means dying like He did- and through my life, to show His love and His forgiveness. Forgiving is worth it.

Something that really caught my attention was the completeness of forgiveness. Think about it. If it isn't entirely forgiven, then it's not real forgiveness. If you say to yourself, "I will forgive this, this, and this part...but not that", then tell me what good your forgiveness is.

What forgiveness is not: Forgiveness is not saying that the deed committed was okay. But rather, that you won't hold the deed against the offender. Are ya gleanin'? When I was thinking and praying about forgiveness, I would think "That was NOT ok for that to happen." And in truth, no. It wasn't, and no one was asking me to be okay with it. But we ARE supposed to forgive. Not so much are we "supposed" as we ought to have a desire to forgive. Why? Because God has forgiven you/me/us of so much more disgusting/horrifying/dirty things than what we forgive each other for. And because He has been so incredibly gracious to US, we, in turn, should be rearing at the bit to show that same grace to others.


Forgiveness is a difficult thing because it is preceded by a detrimental event that may be as petty as a blow to our pride, or as weighty as physical or emotional hurt. But the good news is that my King is a healer and restorer! And He is good at it, too! God can take any hurt, yes ANY, and make it into something good. Example: Friendships/relationships can be stronger than ever before after going through a fire. But once on the other side, and when there has been forgiveness, deeper relationship is restored and cultivated.

 Forgiveness can be difficult, but when it is given and accepted it is a beautiful and God-honoring thing. The hurt is real, but so is the healing.

1 comment:

  1. I like this a lot! Thank you Brenna! And Thank you Jesus!

