Saturday, August 11, 2012

A P'ea'ce of Pie

He came in asking if I had “a minute to have a piece of pie” with him.

I was on the clock, but the restaurant was empty except for he, me and one other worker. I had time. My heart swelled with pleasure at being thought of, sought out, and offered a gift that was clearly more than pie. It was a gift of time.

“I believe I do!” I said while internally feeling an almost disturbing sense of giddiness. Where did that come from?

We settled at a table with coffee and pie and enjoyed some catch-up chatting time as we ate bites of apple and coconut crème.

“What are you doing this far out, Grandpa?”

“Getting feed and then I saw a little Mercedes parked out there,” he motioned to the parking lot outside, “and thought I’d see if the owner was hungry for pie.”

Maybe I wasn’t hungry for pie exactly… my hunger went much deeper than my stomach. That strange giddiness that wasn't wearing off as fast as I would have liked was proof enough of that. It was a hunger and a need to know someone cared and that I was loved…it seemed like a weakness, but whether it was a weakness or not, I was painfully aware of its existence.  But somehow with each bite of pie, with each genuine question of  interest, and with each little encouragement, my deeper hunger was being satisfied.

Too soon, other customers came in and needed my attention. Grandpa said, “I don’t want to keep you from your work. I’ll let you get back to it. Thanks for eating pie with me.” He stood to pay.

“$6.82” I said after I plugged the purchase into the register. He paid and pressed another bill into my hand.

“Get some gas in that car.” He said with a wink.

"Thanks for coming in, Grandpa." I said as I hugged him goodbye.

How did he know? Or maybe it is just obvious that I’m one of the many going-on-broke college students out there. But more than that, I know he wanted to bless me. And he did. He blessed me far beyond the blessing of pie and gas money, he blessed me with his time, presence and his love.

For a few minutes I was not the busy, success-minded, restless and driven university student. Instead, Grandpa let me be the little granddaughter who got to soak up her grandpa’s adoration for her.  He managed to touch that hunger within me that was deeper than my stomach. And I found peace in a few moments with him and a piece of pie.


 I wrote this occurrence from my life because not only is it sentimental, but because of how it relates to humanity and God.  I was so keenly aware of that deeper hunger in me and that unsettling need to be loved, valued and thought of.  We all have a need as deep as the depths of our souls to be loved and accepted, and God offers us that through his Son, Jesus.  And only He can truly satisfy.