Sunday, October 28, 2012

Before an Adventure

"If someone had told me, would I have listened?" 

I wondered that when pondering a list of things I had recently added to my well (however deep or shallow) of knowledge and experience. 

Well, if someone DID tell me the things I'm about to share with you, I didn't listen. I know that because I don't remember anyone telling me these things, therefore, if someone did, I wasn't listening.
I had to learn them the harder way. Don't get me wrong, learning them wasn't bad! It was priceless. However, I think I'll still share just a few things about leaving the life you knew for an indefinite amount of time, and then eventually returning to it. My hope is that at some point, you (my readers) will have an opportunity to do something like an internship, take some time to travel, church program, or a school of some sort that will allow you experiences beyond what you could know yet. 

So picture it! 
You're heading off to a grand adventure! You have little to zero idea what waits for you when you arrive. There's nervousness, excitement, hope, and fear all mixed together like a chunky smoothie. You choke on one lump of emotion at a time and can never predict which one will hit you next. Exciting! Then a chunk of horror hits you as you realize how ridiculous you are for doing what you're planning on doing soon. But then the next moment you're struck with all the new possibilities that will be coming your way as a result of your risk-taking. You haven't left yet, but you've mentally noted where the suitcases are stored and are mentally making a list of people to invite to that send-off party. That's where you stand at the moment. are some things I wish someone had told me when I stood where you do now:
1) Whatever unresolved situations you leave...chances are, they will still be unresolved when you return. While that does kinda suck if there are any unresolved situations in your life, God says "live at peace with all men as far as it depends on you" so do what is necessary on your part to resolve things. (I'm not saying you do, but I did have unresolved situations and I came back and still had to resolve them.) The situations that cause you issues wait for your return and pounce at the weak moments when you don't know why you even came back. Learned that the hard way, sooooo thought I'd tell you.

2) Do not be surprised if you find yourself doubting everything you've ever known or thought. It's normal, and it's actually good. It's refining of your thoughts and perspective and perfect for God to show you HIS thoughts and HIS perspective. Doubt has a purpose. That purpose is to strengthen your desire for truth and for that truth to set you free when you apply it to your life. Just make sure you are intentionally putting yourself in a healthy environment that encourages spiritual growth and feeds you truth. But do some truth searching for yourself, too! Don't wait for thing to be fed to you if you have the means to feed yourself as well.

3)  More than will get lonely. I know I did. I was/am gifted with feeling lonely when surrounded by people. It's also why I tend to diligently keep myself from boredom...because the next step is to feel lonely. BUT. When you're in a new place, surrounded by completely new or sometimes worse, the saaaaame people day in and day out, may get lonely. 
Almost, not the most, but almost the worst thing to do to contact people from home. Yes, there are times when it's necessary and very good for you! Keep up with them by all means! But in those lowest's not always helpful to hear that familiar voice when you need to be able to function away from close friends and family. But I'm not about to tell you NOT to contact no.
 But part of the point of being away is so you learn how to cope and thrive in a situation foreign to your previous life. You work with what you've been given to ease the pains of loneliness. 
It's also the purrrfect time to kneel before God and recognize that Jesus was utterly abandoned on the cross and he knows what loneliness is like. And to thank him for never ever ever ever leaving or forsaking you. And learning to let God's peace take over and let his companionship ease the pain. 

So before you make that call home, have a chat with Heaven first.  ;)

I hope everyone, at some point, gets to go on a grand adventure. This life IS an adventure, so adventures within this adventure can be soooo great! :) Take that step. Take that risk. Be all there, and don't miss a moment of it. Wherever you are on whatever adventure, allow God the room to do what he wants in you. It is always worth it.


  1. Liked this post--and the things we learn the "hard" way are the ones we don't forget (as a fellow person who usually has to learn that way, too).

  2. Is your own grand adventure that you refer to when you went to YWAM? In any case, your counsel is wise. I especially liked the conclusion, "Be all there...Wherever you are...allow God the room to do what he wants in you. It is always worth it."

  3. Thanks, and yes, Aaron, I was referring to the DTS with YWAM for the most part.
