Monday, February 25, 2013

Spinning Tires

So, I'm sure you know how it goes. Rain is to pretty flowers just as snow and ice is to vehicle trouble. Not that my car got stuck. I mean, don't me wrong, I have car trouble more than I'd prefer. But buying a rear wheel drive car is one mistake I'll never make again. But fortunately, my experience and trial and error with such a vehicle prepared me to assist someone with their own rear wheel drive pain-on-the-ice-rink.

I was walking towards the dining hall just as darkness was setting in when I saw a rather new-looking car attempting to pull out of a parking space. Just to give ya'll a picture, imagine what happens when a snow plow pushes all the snow to one side as it tries to clear a parking area. Well, for every car that was already there, it piles the snow up right behind the tires of the vehicle. After a partial thaw, this forms an ice mountain that a car with zero momentum going in its favor will have trouble getting over. That was the case for this car, too.

Sometimes in life you get stuck. You know where you want to go, but getting there proves more difficult that you anticipated. I find that to be the case in my life occasionally. Sometimes being stuck is more metaphorical than literal, but this example was pretty literal.

Not gonna lie, when I heard the spinning tires I almost kept walking. But when I looked over my shoulder and assessed the problem I realized that I was fully capable of getting that car out of its predicament... I watched the drivers struggle a moment more as I pondered whether it would be rude for me to approach and assume I could handle it, or if it would be at all acceptable to turn a blind eye and hope for the best. Clearly, the driver was female even though I couldn't see through the cars darkly tinted windows. Not only was the driver not pressing the accelerator hard enough to be a guy who is clueless of how to drive in the snow desperately trying to get out before anyone saw him stuck, but it was spinning it's rear tires in front of a girls' dorm building. So, I decided it was safe to assume it would be a girl and I wouldn't humiliate some guy's delicate ego by being a chick who was offering to get his car out for him.

I came over, smiled and waved to get her attention. She saw me coming and rolled her window down.

"You need help?" is what I should have said. But what really came out of my mouth was, "Ya know how to drive in the snow?" Silly me. Of course she didn't. That's why her tires were digging a deeper hole in the ice and slush to get out of.
"Oh do you?!" She said with more desperation that I had anticipated.
 I looked in and saw that her fancy new car didn't have a low gear for some reason. Weird. I guess car manufacturers are preparing us all to be helpless in snow and ice or in an off-road emergency. But anyway, the girl was at a loss, but before I said anything else, she unbuckled and hopped out of the drivers seat. Short story even shorter, I got the car out in a jiffy. But only when I got out and held the door open for the car's rightful driver did I realize how much my assistance had helped this girl out.

There she stood in front of me with her cute, baby bump belly much more noticeable now that she was standing in front of me. "Thank you so much! I didn't know what I was going to do! I'm 6 months pregnant and I wasn't about to be able to push my car over the ice!" she said. How I didn't notice her pregnant-ness before, I have no idea, but I was suddenly hit with the realization of how much offering to help meant to this girl. Offering help could actually be helpful to people. Who knew?

I am so glad I was there and that I decided to approach her and use my knowledge and whatever driving skills I have to assist someone. It reminds me again how privileged I am to have grown up in the country and had plenty of practice getting vehicles stuck and eventually unstuck again. It reminds me that the practice that I had (however intentional or unintentional) prepared me to help someone else in need.

Once again, I have brought my country kid-ness to the city and found myself equipped and useful.

So my point isn't to tell you how awesome I am for helping someone get their car over the ice barrier. Instead, I'd like to encourage you to use what you have been given and learned to help others today. Wherever you have come from has helped you be where you are today. And whatever you bring to the table can equip you to be a blessing to someone else. Also, it can mean a lot more to them to offer a helping hand than you know -just like I didn't know how much she really needed help until I realized that she was pregnant after I got her car out.

Don't walk away from someone in need. We're all alone enough without the people around us turning away. I hope that this is encouraging to you somehow. I know this experience has definitely encouraged me! I also hope that you find ways to make yourself a blessing to others around you, and that you receive the joy that comes with being a blessing.

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