Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tic Toc Tic Toc

Disclaimer: Be thou warned hereby for within this post lies the scattered thoughts of one who has little present interest in organization. The aforementioned person may come back to edit, but until then, deal with it without complaint. :)


"A wizard is never late. He arrives precisely when he means to." -Gandalf from The Fellowship of the Ring (Watch it or watch it. You're choice.)

After  Frodo was waiting reading in the woods, and his friend finally arrives, he cracks a joke about timing. *crosses arms"You're late."
 Gandalf sternly corrects him with, "A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. He arrives precisely when he means to." But he quickly bursts into laughter over the matter, giving the scene a warm, lighthearted, friendly atmosphere.
Ironically, in the rest of the movie, Gandalf, a wizard seems to be late several times. At the Prancing Pony, Gandalf is really late...but because of his timing, Stryder is pulled into the movie. And frankly, without him....the rest of the movie and its sequels wouldn't go far.

But this isn't a movie review, so if you haven't seen Lord of the Rings, I would suggest you do so before you go after your next meal.

So back to my initial point then, shall we!? TIMING.
I don't know about you, but it seems like if I and/or others are always just a few minutes or moments off from "perfect timing". Like...the only perfectly timed moments are the ones in America's Funniest Videos (where someone always walks in at the WRONG time, but because it's hilarious, it's...well...perfect!). And more brief times aside, there are things timed seemingly poorly in life's circumstances. I would imagine that it is a rare thing for someone to die at an ideal time. Well...at least probably for someone the deceased person knew. It doesn't really matter to the dead one anymore... Or when the car breaks down, or when the alarm clock doesn't go off in the morning when it should, or when you're late and can't find your keys, or you need to go to the bank three minutes after its closing, or how there is always a long line in the checkout of the grocery store, or how Christmas break is too short, or when you tell someone when you'll be there and you're early. (what? when does that happen?) The list goes on and on! Time management skills...some of us (A)excel at it and quickly become control freaks, and others of us (B)leave it to the wind to the great displeasure of the people of group A.

But the thing is...the reeeeeally important thing to remember is this: God has perfect timing.
That means, even when we see that so-and-so sucks at getting anywhere on time, or can't seem to get things rolling in the morning, or when something tragic and devastating happens in your life...God's timing is still perfect. Often we can't see why things happen as they do. But it's okay because God does.
The Choirmaster, the Director, etc. He cues the basses to give some more depth to the music, He signals for the sopranos to quiet down just a bit, and he urges the altos and tenors to give just a little bit more to provide the melodic balance of a matched or harmonic chord. He keeps the beat, but when the singers get distracted or try to find their own tempo, things fall apart.

Staying in synch with God is vital. Why? Because His timing is perfect.
A wizard is never late. Well, Gandalf may have been late, but God never is. Even when we are in those dark times of life and want to scream at the sky "Where were You when I needed You?!" the fact is that God is never late, never forgets, never gives a rain-check, and always is in control.

Not only that, but He isn't limited by time either! (Take a moment to let what that means sink in and please post a comment about what comes to mind with God not being limited by time. I think it's fun to think about!)

I find all this to be not only comforting, but liberating. Not so that I'll be carelessly late, but when I do have poor timing and lose synch or need to find the right wavelength, MY GOD is NOT limited by that. He know's I'm human. But when I recognize that HE is God and that His timing is perfect, I'm motivated to rely on Him more and to worship Him for how incredible He truly is.

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