Tuesday, October 8, 2013

It Is By Our Love...

What would it look like it Christians focused on being like Jesus and loving others right where they are, regardless of why kind of mess they are making of their lives?

What if we did that, and let the Holy Spirit do his job. The convicting part. Dats na' my job! Dats hiiiiz job.
 It is my place to love, and it is his to convict. That is not to say, however, that there aren't circumstances where is appropriate to correct others or help mold behaviors and aspects of a life, but allowing the Spirit room to do his own work will be complimented by the display of love from Jesus shown by Christians. Ultimately, that will draw more souls to God than berating, scolding, or harshness.
 It is by our love (and love for one another despite our differences) that they will know we are the people of God.

If I look out at the world and despair at what I see,
 all I have to do is look within myself
 to see the change that God has worked inside of me.
Then I can begin to understand that
Somehow there is a plan,
and God is molding the world around me
Just like he is shaping the heart inside me.

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