Thursday, May 5, 2011

So I was reading this great book...and you should read this. ;)

So I was reading this really great book and....
it was 1 Samuel 15 and in it goes a story along these lines:

The the word of the Lord came to Samuel: "I am grieved that i have made Saul king, because he has turned away from and and has not carried out my instructions." 
Previously Saul was told to destroy ALL of the Amalekites and leave NOTHING alive. However, he saved the best of the livestock and the king from death. Apparently he intended to sacrifice the good things to the Lord, but frankly, he was disobedient to the Lord. 

When Samuel came to meet Saul, Saul blessed him and said "I have carried out the Lords instructions!" then Samuel pretty much said "liar!" God prefers obedience rather than sacrifice. Now lets think about this.

Oh to grieve God!  Ah!  How lightly we treat what God thinks1! honestly! it's ridiculous how we don't consider what God things about things. Saul thought his idea of sacrificing and keeping the best of the cattle alive could bring God more glory than doing what God told him to do. 

It makes me wonder what I have done against God's instructions. We err when we think that we can do something to make it up to God.  "oh, well, He told me to do this...but if i do it this way instead, He'll still get what He wants." How disgusting is that in our human nature? that for one, we think that we can make ANYTHING up to God. riiiight. and for two, He's God so...He kind of knows best, yeah?

Who are we kidding when we say "well, everyone! I have carried out the Lord's instructions!" when we don't even do what He tells us to. really. And he calls us His kids??? When we do that we're denying who is really in authority. we discredit what Jesus has gone through to make it so that we can have a relationship with Him. And not just some "God, I'll call you if i need something, thanks -waves-" kind of relationship. no no no. a deep, intimate, all knowing, vulnerable, trusting relationship. Geez, really! think of that. The kind of relationship you can have with the person who MADE you, know "knows your inmost being", who "formed you in your mothers womb", who designed your body down to the smallest freckle and who made you with a unique personality. that God wants to know you and wants you to know Him intimately. no secrets, a beautiful and wholesome relationship. Sounds great huh?

But when it comes down to it, we still mess up. God saw it fit in Saul to make him a king. Saul screwed that up by losing sight of obedience to God. I think that is the start. Where things reeeally start going wrong is when we disobey. after that it's just down hill from there. When we aren't accountable to others, it it sooo easy to let yourself roll down that hill, and yes. it is Very hard to maintain obedience. Fortunately (hahah, you guys are gonna not like this next statement. lol ) but FORTNATLEY God gave us parents to practice with. hahaha. Don't shoot me. And if you don't think your parents are that for you then think again. but still, if not, you have teachers, workers, mentors, friends who will kick you in the butt if you need it, bosses, older co-workers, and friend's parents that i'm sure would love to tell you what to do!  

God says "obedience is better than sacrifice"(1sam.15:22). I think He means it. Not easy, but Saul's disobedience caused God to GRIEVE. agh! I personally hate to disappoint anybody. I do when i have to, but i reeeeally don't like it. I know that sinking titanic feeling that comes with disappointment and i hate for anyone to have that. But that's how God feels when we disobey Him. When we don't follow HIS instructions. 

Frankly, God doesn't need your help in planning, decision-making, or direction. He's got it all under control, and when we take the wheel out of His hands, it doesn't do anybody any good. -especially us. Look at Saul. " Saul rejected the word of the Lord and the Lord has rejected [him] as king over Israel" (1sam15:26).
God has grace for us. Jesus' paying the price for our disobedience allows God to have grace for us. But given that grace, should we continue disobeying? if we do keep disobeying and offering out pathetic little sacrifices (that God, being who he is, does NOT need), that reflects that we think the price Jesus paid wasnt' good enough and we have become selfish, self-centered, hypocrites. 

I'm talking to myself here too. I have disobeyed God I have followed my own instruction over His when i knew clearly what God had spoken for me to do, and STILL I disobeyed. I lied. I grieved God when He made to to bring Him glory. Instead I grieved Him. He never asked me to do something I couldn't do, but I gave him less than my full attention and heart. i was a rebellious kid who deserved to be spanked(to put it lightly), but instead, God showed me love and grace and because of His love and His grace for me, I want to bring Him joy. not grief. So my prayer for myself and for you is that we be done with this disobedience crap. Do not merely listen to the word of God and deceive yourself, but DO what it says. Do not say "i am obedient" when you are not. 

SO I pray, "Father, your mercy is great! and how often I have dishonored you, yet still you love me. Help me to be pleasing. Obedience is scary, cuz

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