Saturday, May 21, 2011

Your God is Too Small

I heard that phrase once. "Your God is Too Small" (and I think it's the title of a book, but I'm not positive on that one.)  But I heard it said and much to my amusement, as I look back now, I had instantly pictured myself standing before God and all I could see was the tip of his finger. (please, picture it with me. :) No matter which way or how far I tilted or turned my head, there was this never-ending finger. He was huge when I thought of Him that way. Haha. But even on that line of thinking, the way I imagined him was too small. He's bigger than my imagination could possibly conjure up. Go ahead, imagine God however you will, but then realize that how you see Him is much too small, far too weak, and way too simple compared to how He really is.

Now, speaking in terms that are less...literal, I suppose, your God is too small.  How do you know that the God that you have a relationship with is too small in your head? Well, what are you doing that you don't think God could handle? None of us would actually saaaaay that, though. It would be like saying, "God, I'm sorry, but you're going to have to back outa this one, I got this. Don't worry, chill out, take a break, and I can handle this." But we say this all the time. If you are thinking "what?! I do not!", let me ask you when was the last time you knew you ought to pray or seek God about something, but didn't. -

--- For example, I've been making college plans, stressing over them, and thinking about what I would like to do, etc. I kneeeeew I should have been seeking God for these plans, and actively trusting Him with my worries, but frankly, I forgot to pray. I forgot/didn't a lot. (You can ask my mom, it's true.) But when I didn't go to my Father about this area of my life, my actions were telling him that I was trying to handle it myself.  Whether we say "God, I got this." out loud or think it or not, when we don't trust God for EVERYTHING, we undermine who He really is, how big He is, how powerful, great, wonderful, mighty, just, loving, caring, gracious, etc. because we either like to do it ourselves, errantly thinking that we can do it best, or  because our minds are lazy, we have stopped trying to realize the extent of who God is.

I can look at an algebra problem/equation (sorry to bring math up, since I know we just got out of school.) and be instantaneously overwhelmed by the x's, y squared's, formidable decimals, something cubed or to the nth power divided by some symbol that means something else, and of course they want to graph it eventually....and then a whole string of directions about what to do...  I would stare at it for a moment, start hyperventilating, and then run for the nearest inhaler (at least..I would if I had asthma...). I probly hadn't even picked up the pencil yet, but I would already be ready to give up. -----  To say the obvious, God is bigger than that algebra nightmare, but at that time I'm having some trouble seeing past it. If something like that (or anything material, emotional, mental, spiritual, or relational) seems too big for you or me, we are thinking too small. Not that we could ever think big enough, but when I realize that my God is bigger than everything else in size, power, importance, or whatever, it puts things into perspective, and I am compelled (in a good way) to worship Him as He made me to do.

We are called to worship him. Why? Because he is worthy. How is he worthy? Look around you. He created all that. In the beginning...he said "let there be light, and there WAS LIGHT." Who else do you know who can simply speak things into existence? 
No really, who? Being in awe of God is worship. Not that we will ever ever grasp the awesomeness of God, but worship is trying. Worship can be you in the bathtub with water scalding your skin and you trying to dodge the boiling drops of liquid as you reach for the knob to make it cooler, but you think, "Wow. Wow. The nerves in my skin work great! Wow, God, You made that. I don't get how they work, but they work! and You do know how! Wow."
 Worships is getting to know Him better, worship is doing what He did, and worship is looking at a situation/circumstance and saying, "God, I know you are even bigger than that. So I'm gonna trust you with it and obey you in it, because YOU are bigger than I can fathom." God is indeed bigger (and many many more other adjectives) than we give Him credit for, so let's give Him the credit/the worship he deserves, and stop trying to handle our things in our lives ourselves.

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