Monday, May 16, 2011

Windows to the World

Ok, since it's my style to just jump in and get to my point, here is a quick intro to what I'm gonna be talking about here:

I was driving home from work in a certain '91 Pontiac 6000 LE (also known as "Google" -If you can figure that one out ;), and as I was praying and asking God to help me see things as He does, etc. I got a picture in my head that was of people walking around in boxes. In one side of each person's box was a window that they could look through. This idea applied directly to what I was praying about, but I think it also applies more broadly to all of us, and the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to share.

People walking around in their little boxes, viewing the world through their little windows... I felt that the boxes themselves are the lives we put ourselves in, the patterns of thinking, and they determine how open we are to accepting things outside of our "little worlds" or in this case -boxes. But the window is the detail I want to focus on more, here. Some people's windows were bigger or smaller than someone else's. Some windows may be foggy or cracked and inhibit how well someone can see through it. 

Now the problem ISN'T that someone's "window to the world" might be big or small or more clear glass or cracked, or dirty, or whatever. I repeat, that is not the problem. The problem isn't that they have windows. Every person HAS a window -aka, a limited view. They can only see what is in front of them.  The real problem lies in when we think that our perspective (what we see out of our windows) is all there is. When we think that how we see it is how it is, that we comprehend a whole situation, and that there are no other angles to be covered or things that we might be missing. When we do that, we make ourselves gods.

However, the truth about this is that God is the only one who sees the whole picture, he doesn't even HAVE  window because he sees EVERYTHING. his perspective is the only one that matters, because it is HIS universe. Nothing is hidden from Him. He created us as finite human beings and we have limited viewpoints. Our windows are little and we tend to be blinded by them, though we often think that we see things the right way. But that is us putting ourselves on a higher level than we are. When we think we see it how it is, we are are trying to be God.

Look at the world and all the chaos created by people walking around thinking they know best...
The ways we see things (situations, events, and other people, opinions, etc) separate us from each other. We each walk around in our own little boxes, bumping into or off of things that get in our way, going through them, or around them. 

Windows = perspectives. So my question for you as well as myself, is "What is shaping your perspective?" Fears, your temper, your prejudices, hate, jealousy, love? Blinding love that keeps you from seeing the truth? Love of self, money, or some other person? Is it mercy, compassion, or what? Think about it. The list could go on and on.

I don't know about you, but for myself, I do not want to live my life in a blind little box with a crack of a window. I would rather step out of my box, live life out loud, unhidden, and open. I want to have a broad perspective, but I want to also always know that God is the only one who sees it all -and in that, TRUST Him for everything since He does see everything. Since He is that One who is in control and isn't limited in any way. 

My prayer about this is that those of us who call ourselves that people of God would take up His perspective on every matter we encounter in our lives and that we would trust Him for what we think we see and what we don't.

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